Cookie scanner unable to scan your website for cookies
“Sorry, we’re unable to scan your website for cookies. Please contact us to update your website address if required. You can manage your cookies manually below”
If you’re seeing this error, it’s likely that our cookie scanner is being blocked by your website’s firewall.
In most cases, whitelisting our crawlers I.P. address ( will resolve the issue.
How to whitelist GetTerms IP in Cloudflare Firewall
Sometimes, our cookie scanner might be blocked by Cloudflare’s Firewall preventing it from crawling your website. If you want to fix this issue, follow the steps below.
Once you’ve logged into your Cloudflare account, follow the below steps:
- Navigate to your Web Application Firewall (WAF) settings under the 'security tab' in the side menu
- Select the ‘tools’ tab
- Add our Cookie scanner’s IP to your IP Access Rules:
- IP, IP range, country name, or ASN:
- Action: Allow
- Zone: This website
- Notes: GetTerms Cookie Scanner
- Save the rule by clicking ‘Add’
The above steps should work for most websites. If it doesn't work for you, please contact us.